On January 7th, 2012 at 11:00 am, Kit and I got married in the same church that my parents and grandparents were married in. :-) We have been married for almost 5 weeks now and it has already been a learning and growing experience. I hope to blog more about the different issues I face as a new wife soon, though I feel that I could use advice more than giving advice in this area... so if anyone has any ideas or tips for me... they would be greatly appreciated. :-)
Anyway, here are a few pictures from the best day of my life. :-)

Dad walked me down the isle, Pastor Walker did the sermon and Dad did the vows... then Pastor Walker pronounced us husband and wife and...

congratulations! may the Lord bless you with a wonderful life time of serving and seeking Him together. I'd love to see more pictures and look forward to hearing how the Lord teaches you in this new season of life! blessings ~
Awwww Love this! I can hardly wait to hear your thoughts on being a wife :) You just glowed on your wedding day! You are so beautiful inside and out :)
I am happy to have found your blog, my dear, and high five for spreading Jesus' love and encouraging young ladies in His love! Looking forward to your newest posts (and congrats on the sacred union!)
Congratulations Joy! :) What an exciting time this is for you. I pray God's riches blessings upon you and your new hubby, and your home. I am looking forward to the things you share on the blog about your journey over the weeks and months ahead...
And you look so gorgeous and radiant in these pictures... Looks like you had a beautiful perfect day!
I would be greatly interested and encouraged to read about your "courtship" and what you have learned that might help me and others in the journey to glorify GOD. Thank you for your other thought provoking posts!
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I look forward to reading more about married life. I just started blogging, check out my blog, and join if you wish. Www.stilldeeper.blogspot.com
Marriage and Christian values are what we're challenged with in this nation for sure! Congratulations on having both!I respect this so much more after reading this book ("Land of Diminished Distinctions"via Amazon). Blessings and HUGS
Congratulations!! I also just got engaged and so i would love to read more about your journey! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)
power prash
hi this my hobby to read the best blog from any search engine. Its keep me more
bussy in reading to great blogs so that is nice comments good worke...
Beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!
Hi Joy,
You have such a beautiful courtship story. I work at Magilla Entertainment, a television production company in New York City. We are currently casting for a new documentary series about courtship. I would love to speak with you more about the opportunity. If you are interested, please feel free to e-mail me at castingdirector@magilla.tv .
Look forward to hearing from you!
Hello joy. I'm a christian younglady too. I wish to av you as friend on my facebook. I love your write ups. Pls how can I contact you. Here is my email. Bukola.kolawole@ymail.com.
Hello Joy !
I used to be a reader of your blog and I loved it ! I would love to have an update of how life is going for you !
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